Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe me he maunga teitei
Here are some links that may financially support your needs:
Te Pūtahitanga WAVE funding
Te Pūtahitanga WAVE funding is a social innovation model that gives whānau the agency to realise their own aspirations.
Website: teputahitanga.org/wave
Website: teputahitanga.org/wave
Ruia is a contestable fund which supports rangatahi wellbeing, intergenerational succession planning and cultural development.
Website: teputahitanga.org/what-we-do/funding/ruia/
Website: teputahitanga.org/what-we-do/funding/ruia/
Te Kīwai
Te kīwai has been designed to support tamariki and rangatahi wellbeing through play, active recreation and sport.
Website: teputahitanga.org/what-we-do/funding/te-kiwai/
Website: teputahitanga.org/what-we-do/funding/te-kiwai/
Koanga Kai
Koanga Kai promotes kai security by supporting a network of māra kai across Te Waipounamu
Website: teputahitanga.org/what-we-do/funding/koanga/
Website: teputahitanga.org/what-we-do/funding/koanga/
Tama Ora
Tama Ora is a fund that can help you create an event, project or programme targeted at keeping tamariki and rangatahi active
Website: teputahitanga.org/what-we-do/funding/tama-ora/
Website: teputahitanga.org/what-we-do/funding/tama-ora/
Rata Foundation
Rata Foundation wants to support communities now and into the future – by providing a funding framework which provides options and flexibility
Website: ratafoundation.org.nz/en
Website: ratafoundation.org.nz/en
Community matters
Community Matters provide government-funded grants to support voluntary and not-for-profit organisations working in local communities and neighbourhoods
Website: communitymatters.govt.nz/community-organisations-grants-scheme/
Website: communitymatters.govt.nz/community-organisations-grants-scheme/